The purpose of this blog is about truth of the Bible. Positive constructive comments are acceptable. Negative and blasphemous comments will be removed. That being said, healthy pro vs. con discussions about the Bible are encouraged as long as it is friendly on both sides of the issue.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Forgiveness is one of the hardest things for a human to do; even a Christian.

If we are to walk in the newness of Christ, forgiveness is essential to our relationship with God.  Without it God doesn't forgive us.

We are prone to not forgive others.  It is a natural part of our defense mechanism.  We are taught from an early age to not repeat things that hurt us.  Don't stick your hand in fire, hot water, electricity or turning fan blades.

Jesus tells us that as Christian's it is imperative that we forgive.  In Matthew 6:12 Jesus was teaching His disciples to pray and this passage is a part of that, "And forgive us our trespasses (or sins), as we forgive those who trespass against us."

I find it very interesting that Jesus said "as" rather than another word.  He tells us that, as a Christian,  we forgive.  There isn't any other option.  It is a natural flow contrary to the human mindset of a relationship with God.

At the end of the prayer Jesus gives us a warning that we almost never hear in the church.

"If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

So why is it that we find so many in the church unwilling to forgive?  I believe it is that old sin nature...  it is rebellion against God's Word.  It could possibly be that one has not read this passage and have not been set free by it.

Bottom line is we must do it.  To tell you the truth even for this seasoned Christian I find it difficult at times to forgive and have forgiven time after time after time again for the same transgression.  It is difficult because we don't see the person change.

A preacher once told me that my act of forgiving removes me from the work that God is trying to bring forth in the person I forgave and that with me out of the way the person in question is more apt to receive the healing that God wants to bring to them.  It is feasible that this might be true but more importantly it works for me and helps me to forgive others.

My three most difficult to forgive right now are Ted, Mike and Stan.  Some will rebuke me for saying it like this but in my book all three are asses.  But God
doesn't see them that way.  He sees them as children who have lost their way and they need Him just as much as I need Him in my life.

Lord, help us to forgive the Ted's, Mike's and Stan's of this world.  Help us to let go and let You do Your might work in their lives just like You are doing in mine.   AMEN!

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